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Flower of the month ~February 2016~

Summer is one of my least favorite season's of the year, however with summer the floral wholesalers are over flowing with one of my absolute favorite flowers, the strikingly beautiful Dahlia.

Dahlia's have proven to be quite popular of late in flower arranging, but they seem to be even more popular and common in Wedding Bouquets for the last two wedding season's.

Dahlia's come in a variety of exquisit colours, which makes matching bridesmaids dresses or wedding theme colours every florist's dream, they are also a cost friendly option for brides aswell (beauty without sacrificing the big bucks kaching$$)

If kept correctly, Dahlia's should last for up to 5 days if not more as a cut flower.

To extend vase life of your Dahlia's make sure that all foliage that is below water level is removed, cutting the stems on an angle (this allows cut flowers to be able to drink without obstruction as opposed to cutting the stem's straight) and top up your vase with FRESH water every two to three days.

By following these general rules you will have a beautiful long lasting bunch of Dahlia's to brighten your home for longer.

Interested in having Dahlia's in your summer time Wedding bouquets?? contact me today and I am happy to discuss with you colours, varieties and how best we could use this beautiful flower to make a big statement.

Want Dahlia's in your bridal flowers but getting married outside of the summer months??? That's ok, I have a solution for you, contact me and we can discuss these options together aswell.

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